Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Companies I Would Definitely Apply For:

McKinsey and Company is one of the better soldiers in the "War for Talent." Their philosophy: hire very smart people and over compensate them for their jobs. Rewarding the stars of the company and constantly pushing them through to bigger and better levels of management seems like the perfect system to boost any employee's confidence, but is it the most effective to run an entire cooperation with? Gladwell isn't afraid to ask the tough questions in this chapter, which is something I haven't seen him do since his argument on plagiarism. He points out that studies show that there is virtually no link between IQ and workplace success, because in school your compatibility with others and common sense skills have little to no influence on your grade based success. Despite these arguments, McKinsey and Co. is still a highly successful company, so I guess there are two arguments to every story, and in this case, they both may be right.

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