Saturday, August 15, 2015

Not So Dangerous Minds

As an avid watcher and fan of Criminal Minds, I was particularly excited for this chapter. Yet I feel like I may have actually watched too many Criminal Minds marathons because, everything Gladwell had to say about the different types of criminals and their characteristics and traits all seemed strangely familiar. The contrasts between precise and unplanned killers were none the less very interesting, and has left no doubt in my mind that criminal profiling is and always will be a vital part of catching killers. Thank you Gladwell, you have proven that my crime show obsession is not as irrational as I thought it to be.
Side note: I am still impressed with the way Gladwell is able to write about such as large variety of topics and still be able to condense them into one book that seemingly flows, even though there is no way that it should.

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