Sunday, August 23, 2015

What the Reader Saw (Pt. 2)

Upon finishing What the Dog Saw, I found that I had enjoyed it far more than expected. Stories of stock market investment strategies, hair coloring, plagiarism, and ketchup aren't usually the first to catch my eye when I enter Barnes & Noble, yet Malcolm Gladwell has the strange ability to make his reader feel like they were there, watching Ron Popeil pitch his rotisserie chicken oven to America for the first time with him, or watching Cesar Milan calm the fiercest  of dogs right before their own eyes. Gladwell's unexpected power of immersion can leave a reader feeling stunned, enlightened, and burdened with new perspective all in one novel with a series of random stories that fit together seamlessly. Not what I expected from a school reading, but I continue to be pleasantly surprised. I'm looking forward to new perspectives, and am thankful for the ones I have gained. Overall, highly recommended.

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